
Certified seed potatoes
Grown in Nakuru Kenya
Used all over Eastern Africa

Arizona PSA

Arizona | The perfect potato variety for retail and local markets

High yielding variety for all over Kenya

Arizona is an excellent table potato variety for retail and the Wakulima (local) market. It is a yellow skin potato suitable for cooking, mashing or using in stews. It is an early maturing variety (95 days), which gives a high yield with big sized tubers in various climate conditions due to its good heat and drought tolerance.


  • Kephis certified seed potatoes
  • Use: table
  • Suitable for all potato-growing areas all over Kenya
  • Maturity: early (3 months)
  • Yield potential: very high (>20 tons/acre)
  • Tuber dormancy: medium (2 - 3 months)
  • Dry matter: 17%
Kenyan farmer planting Arizona variety
Arizona nestje met doorsnee

Plant description

Arizona exhibits good initial development with a strong plant. It produces white flowers. Due to its relative drought and heat tolerance, the Arizona variety will give you, as a farmer, a good yield with good tuber quality.

Disease resistance/tolerance

A strict preventative spraying schedule against late blight is necessary as Arizona is susceptible to this.

Tuber features

  • Large, oval tubers
  • Yellow skin
  • Light yellow flesh
  • Shallow eyes

Planting distance

  • Seed size 1: 20-25cm
  • Seed size 2: 30-35cm
Succesful potato variety Arizona
Kenya Map

Where to buy the Arizona?

The Arizona can be bought at numerous collaborating 'aggregation hubs'. Contact an aggregation hub in your county to find out more.

Orders above 2,500kg or 50 bags orders can be ordered and collected directly by using this form!



List of aggregation hubs